On the Verge of Publication

Well, it’s almost here.  I’m very close to publishing my book.  I’m going through a final read to correct any spelling or grammatical mistakes that may have been missed.  Once I finish that I’ll create the cover and convert everything to a PDF format for publication.

I will be self-publishing my story through Amazon.  I had only planned on selling it through the Kindle store, but I found out I can also make hard copies available through CreateSpace.  I still need to familiarize myself with the whole process, but my goal is have my book ready for sale within the next couple of weeks.  I haven’t decided on pricing yet, but will once the text is ready to print.  I’ll have a page in the Books section of the site linking to Amazon once it’s published.

Second Draft Completed

This morning I finally completed the second draft.  After all of the revisions the book has expanded to 15 chapters and 157 pages.   It’s still short compared to other novels, but I’m pretty satisfied with the result.  It’ll probably be nothing more than an afternoon read to the average reader.

I had given thought to reading it over one last time before handing it off to my readers, but have decided not to.  Instead I’m going to have my wife read through it first because her opinion matters greatly to me.  She’s my most important critic and I want her to have first crack at it.

I’m really looking forward to hearing what she has to say.  I’ve said it before that she doesn’t like scary stuff, but she’s willing to look past that and give my story a read.  I really appreciate it and hopefully she likes it.

This Will Be The Week

Quick update.  I’m now in the final stages of revisions.  I have reached the final chapter and am in the process of splitting it up.  I’ll be doing major revisions to it because I feel it need a lot more detail.  I like the ending, getting there needs to be beefed up.  I’ll be outlining what I want to happen before I start revising it, but that won’t take very long.  I already know what I want to do, I just need to get it out of my head and on paper.

I will have the manuscript ready for review by this Friday.  I’m so glad to finally be at this point.  Very exciting!

The Most Productive Day Ever!

Wow!  What a day!  This has been by far my most productive day ever and I can thank my wonderful wife for that!

Since I’ve changed my writing schedule I have been a lot more productive.  Today I revised chapter’s 7 – 10, a total of 4 chapters.  Most of the revisions were minor and I added some more details to certain sections.  The biggest revision is yet to come, but I am very close to finally wrapping them up.

The ending chapters are going to be the largest of the revisions.  It will require me to split up the last chapter.  I like how I ended the book, but getting there seemed a bit rushed.  I’m going to add more detail and more suspense to it so it will be a better read.

I’m finished for the day, but I cannot wait to continue the revision process.  I’ve had a fire lit in me this entire week and am hungry to finally get this story into my readers’ hands.  After the revisions I’ll give it one final read through and then hand it off to my readers.  I’m really looking forward to hearing what they have to say and what they might suggest to make my story even better!

Schedule Change = Better Writing

Last month was not a very productive month for me when it came to writing.  My current business occupied a lot of my time.  Also I’ve been trying to get more sleep because my late night schedule was finally taking a toll on me.

This past weekend I was finally able to resume revising my book.  I’ve decided to start doing some writing in the morning and the early evening.  I’ve found that writing is a bit easier during these times than during the late nights.  The revisions are coming along much better and I’m already midway through Chapter 5.  I’m completely rewriting a scene in that chapter.  I’ve already found some inconsistencies in my writing as I go through this revision process.  I believe the story is turning out much better now.

At my current pace of writing I should have the revisions completed sometime this month.  Hopefully nothing unexpected will happen to slow it down.