Time to Write Again

After taking some time off from writing, it’s time to start on my next book.  I discussed previously about writing a story based on some ideas I had years ago and combine them with a story idea my wife had.  Well, I’m going to put that one on hold for now.  Instead, I’m going to pick up where I left off on the initial story I was going to write.  This is definite and I will not be changing my mind this time.

The next book I’m writing will be a fantasy novel.  All the characters and the plot points have already been laid out.  However, I’m going to go over the things I’ve already completed and see if any changes are needed.  After that I’m going to do the chapter summaries.

My next novel will be part of a series I plan to write.  It’s based off of a story I’ve had on my mind for many years now.  I already have a complete outline of the story from notes I made when I first came up with the idea.  I’ll be expanding on those ideas and hope to create a great story for my readers.  Be looking for updates on my progress as the weeks pass by.  I’m aiming for the first draft to be ready by Spring of 2014.